Ladies and gentlemen, drumroll, please! Apple has done it again! They’ve managed to make us feel like we’ve stepped into a time machine and landed right back where we started. That’s right, it’s iPhone 15 time, and it’s giving us a serious case of déjà vu, as evidenced by the flood of iPhone memes on social media.

Starting September 22, Apple will be unveiling its not-so-revolutionary iPhone 15 series. You know, the one that looks eerily similar to its predecessors. But hey, it’s Apple, so we still can’t resist the temptation. So does the internet! The internet was ablaze with iPhone memes, as the virtual world unleashed its creativity and sense of humor.

Join us as we dive headfirst into the pixelated world of Apple’s latest launch and the meme storm it has brewed. Grab your chargers and your sense of humor, because we’re about to plug into the iPhone 15 meme-verse!

“Wonder Lust” or Wonder Lost?

Apple, in its infinite wisdom, named its latest product launch event “Wonder Lust.” But as it turns out, the only thing we’re lusting after is innovation.

One disgruntled critic on X wrote, “Apple’s innovation died with Steve Jobs.” Ouch. Shots fired, Apple.

Has Apple finally run out of tricks? Fans claim the iPhone 15 looks just like the iPhone 14 - and moan 'innovation died with Steve Jobs'
Source: X

This sentiment is echoed by many others who are disappointed with the company’s recent releases.

Apple has always been known for its innovative products, but in recent years, its releases have been less groundbreaking. The iPhone 15, for example, is essentially a rehash of the iPhone 14.

iPhone meme - They are the same pictures - office meme - Pam
Source: X

The USB-C Saga

Now, let’s talk about USB-C. You know, that technology that other phones have been using for almost a decade? Well, Apple decided to finally hop on that bandwagon.

iPhone meme

Apple announced it as “innovation”. It’s like they just discovered fire or something.

Source: X

Netizens wasted no time in poking fun at this “innovative” development.

Source: X

Tech reporter Mark Gurman noted that USB-C is making its way to AirPods Pro and EarPods, with compatibility for iPad and Mac chargers. Some speculated that Apple had been “forced” into this change.

iPhone meme - Simpsons celebrating

The ‘New’ in iPhone

Some netizens couldn’t help but notice that there’s nothing really ‘new’ in the new iPhone.

Source: X

It’s like buying the same product with a different name. If only we could pull off such rebranding magic in our lives.

iPhone meme - Spidermen pointing at each other
Source: X

This user shared the feeling of buying the same shirt twice, but with a different name tag.

Source: Reddit

Despite public perception that the new iPhone is no different from previous models, Apple executives are working hard to convince consumers otherwise.

Source: X

Apple Watch: Finger Tango

But wait, there’s more! Apple also unveiled the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2. And they introduced a new gesture called “Double Tap.” Basically, you tap your thumb and index finger together twice to control your watch. People couldn’t help but find humor in this seemingly fancy finger dance.

Apple watch meme
Source: X

Old iPhone Dillema

Some people noticed that old iPhones have a funny way of acting up right before a new one comes out.

iPhone glitching meme
Source: X
Source: X

Is this just a clever way to justify buying a new phone, or is there something more to it?

The Unattainable Dream

“The worst feature of the iPhone 14 is that I still can’t afford it,” lamented one user, speaking the harsh truth we all feel deep down.

Screenshot tweet iphone
Source: X

Apple, We Still Love You

In the end, we can’t help but love Apple, quirks and all. Sure, we may roll our eyes at the lack of innovation and the ever-increasing price tags, but when that sleek new iPhone arrives, we’ll be there, cash or credit card in hand. Because deep down, we’re all Apple fanatics, and there’s no cure for that.

Source: X

And that’s a wrap for the best iPhone memes that flooded social media after Apple’s launch. We hope you enjoyed this compilation of hilarious and creative memes that poke fun at Apple’s latest products and announcements.

It’s clear that the internet loves good iPhone memes, and this year’s launch was no exception. So, here’s to the iPhone 15, the phone that makes us scratch our heads, chuckle at the absurdity, and reach for our wallets all at once. Bravo, Apple, for keeping us endlessly entertained!